Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's taken longer than I wanted, but on to part 2 of my Fall Fashion Overhaul! I am finally finished going through all my clothes and weeding things out, taking inventory of what I have and deciding what I need more of. I'm not going to bore you with each piece of clothing I have, but I made a pretty good dent in getting rid of things that no longer fit, or that I never wear anymore. I realized that I have kept a surprising number of things that I don't wear anymore just because I have had some sentimental attachment to them based on something I did when I wore it, where I got it, or who gave it to me. But I've sucked it up and am getting rid of them (or re-purposing the fabric for some newer things)! 

In the end, I realize I need a bit more of everything to meet my goals. However, I'm probably most in need of pants that fit well and more tops that can keep me warm in fall and winter. I actually own quite a few different styles of pants that I love, but they are too big since I lost weight after pregnancy. Many of them aren't the type that look good with a belt to cinch them, which is why I end up in jeans all the time. Still, I can't bring myself to get rid of them either, for fear that at some point soon, all that weight will pile back on and I'll be left with no pants that fit again! So I think I'm going to get a box and store them under my bed. If I really keep this weight off, now that I've weaned Sebastian, I'll think more seriously about getting rid of them.

I also did an inventory of what colors most of my clothes are. I expected lots of blue, green and purple because those are the ones that I usually gravitate towards. While I do have more clothes in blue than anything else, it's not by much and I actually have a pretty wide and balanced variety of clothes. I did notice that I had quite a bit of black though and I've realized over time that I'm not actually such a big fan of black. A little here and there is okay, but I much prefer browns and warmer earth tones. So I think I'll skip blacks in anything I decide to sew for this fall/winter.

Another thing I enjoy doing on occasion is looking at Pantone's fashion colors for the season to get a little inspiration. Here are the colors for Fall 2011:

I really like the combination of these colors. The warm neutrals with the pops of color are great and I'd definitely like to see some of these colors work their way into my fall wardrobe.

Next up, things will start getting more interesting with this project! I'll be gathering inspiration for the type of looks I'm going for, both with pictures and patterns. It should be fun!

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