Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Planning for Warm Weather

               My husband, son and I are all taking a trip in June to visit my mom. I’m looking forward to it on many levels, but not least because she lives in western Kentucky and it will be WARM! Seattle’s rainy and gloomy springs give this SoCal transplant a rough time, but this year has been particularly bad with the coldest spring on record and one of the wettest, so I’m terribly excited about getting some real summer weather a month earlier than I could normally expect it here. That excitement has me dreaming of some clothes I’d like to sew. For the past month and a half, I have been working on a pair of jeans and I’m getting close to finally being finished with them. While I think my very next project will be a pair of jean shorts based off the same pattern, those should work up relatively quickly, so I’m already thinking ahead to what else I’d like to make, ideally in time for my trip to Kentucky. I think a light, flowing, summery dress is on the top of my list! So now I’m just trying to decide what it will be.
                I’ve been thinking about the Crepe dress from Colette Patterns.
                    I also am considering this lovely Vogue dress pattern with raglan sleeves:

                I’m leaning towards the Vogue pattern because I like the potential to pair it with several different belts, or none at all. Plus, the other offerings in the pattern aren’t bad either (love the jacket!). However, I’ve wanted to sew up the Crepe for a while too, so I’m waffling back and forth!
                Other than the dress, I’m trying to decide how many other things I can make and trying to rein myself in from trying to do too much! If I’ve learned anything in my post-baby sewing process, it’s to take it easy and keep my expectations realistic. Well, perhaps I should say, I’ve learned that is important, but have to constantly remind myself to follow my own advice! I’ve wanted to make some type of cute button up blouse, so that’s a possibility, but I could go in so many directions with that one! I also love this skirt and blouse from BurdaStyle,  but I love the fall colors so much that I’m having a hard time visualizing a summer version of this. What do you think?

                Other possibilities that have been on my mind are a pencil skirt after I fell in love with this one from Anthropologie because they do flatter my figure. And the new Violet and Ginger patterns from Colette Patterns have me really thinking about summer too! 

Cultural Heritage Skirt from Anthropologie

 Violet and Ginger from Colette Patterns

                Since I get a bit obsessive about organizing and really thinking through things when I am having trouble deciding, you will undoubtedly see more from me on this! I’m thinking I should perhaps decide on a summer color palette, figure out what garments would be most useful and go from there. Logical, no? Now to just find the time to do it!

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